Tak bude to náročnější na muj současný HW nebo ne ? Normandie by např. u mne nějaký upgrade snesla. Že by mi běhala jako Kavkaz se říct nedá. A na Nevadě to není taky žádný zazrak, na to že tam nejsou žádné stromy a jejich případné stíny..Takže předpokládám že bude. No, rozhodně, než zas vysolím za nějaký letadýlko, počkám nejdřív na upgrade Kavkazu..Lítat zatím je s čím..
Tak bude to náročnější na muj současný HW nebo ne ? Normandie by např. u mne nějaký upgrade snesla. Že by mi běhala jako Kavkaz se říct nedá. A na Nevadě to není taky žádný zazrak, na to že tam nejsou žádné stromy a jejich případné stíny..Takže předpokládám že bude. No, rozhodně, než zas vysolím za nějaký letadýlko, počkám nejdřív na upgrade Kavkazu..Lítat zatím je s čím..
Normandie je momentálně těžce nedodělaná a nezoptimalizovaná, stejně tak osvícení, stíny, apod. NTTR je na tom lépe, ale pořád to není jako kdysi u cca 2.0.5 verze.
Systém pro automatické vybrání vývrtky bude namodelován.
In case of a departure, the Hornet was provided a spin/departure recovery system that instructs the pilot on how to command the controls to exit a spin. However, this did not really help with a much more serious “falling leaf” departure... As the Hornet evolved, the Flight Control System (FCS) became advanced enough that the jet could automatically recover itself by simply taking hands off the controls and allow the jet to fly itself out of the departure. In fact, the spin recovery switch should not really be used in later F/A-18s.
However, to be complete, we plan to model this system. Here are some work-in-progress images of it in action.
It’s been a very long haul with the Caution and Advisory System that has entailed the simulation of many other systems that feed into it like electrical, fuel, hydraulic, navigation, mission computers, flight control system, engine, AMAD, TAWS, and others. However, we are getting pretty close now to have functions in place to create an authentic Hornet start up. Thanks for your patience on this.
A short video of the Early Access RAZBAM Harrier for DCS World performing a short take-off, a zoom climb, and two minimum radius turns with a VIFF to a vertical landing.
Cobra z Heatblur simulations o vydání tomcatu v červnu
2017. No exceptions. Unless some cataclysmic event occurs, or serious bodily harm/illness to integral F-14 team members.
Cobra z Heatblur simulations o vydání tomcatu v listopadu
We'll have a "Road to Release" type update coming pretty soon to give the latest on the exactly where we stand, what is left for EA and our current projections. We've had a very rocky 2017 (in terms of development roadblocks and unexpected issues)
Potíže s aktualizací skinů odkládají plánovaný patch.
For the week 2017-11-13 to 2017-11-17:
We are experiencing some difficulties with an update to the liveries. Unfortunately this problem will prevent us from releasing all the other updates since it is quite hard to extricate the broken liveries from the update package.
So, this update will be delayed to the next.
Flight Model and Systems:
- Added clickableness to secondary oil switch
- Added instability modeling for high angle of attack with heavy loadout
- Fixed slat schedule equation
- Fixed jittery acceleration numbers for HUD when weight on wheels (takeoff)
- Fixed AP flight path marker on HUD now follows pitch ladder with roll
- Fixed airbrake not showing in multiplayer
- Fixed airspeed shown in HUD is now proper calibrated airspeed
- Updated slat effectiveness
- Updated weights of stores/pylons based on new data
- Updated engine thrust for correct takeoff acceleration data
- Updated rolling friction for accurate ground reaction behavior
- Updated gear reaction for smoother response
- Updated airfoil tables for proper lift and drag across envelope
- Updated thrust, airfoil aerodynamics, fuselage aerodynamics to match performance data
- Updated afterburner thrust reaction to environmental conditions
- Updated roll rate control response with increased inertia (stores)
- Updated FBW AOA limiter behavior and response
- Updated FBW roll/yaw coupling logic
- Updated AP for better response
- Updated fuel flow modeling for various airframe and environmental conditions
- Updated AP logic so that it holds trim position when placed off, thus leaving airframe in trimmed state
- Updated FBW low speed behavior to be more AOA controlled, previously was pitch rate controlled. Gives more accurate response and behavior in low speed feels more like a standard aircraft.
- Updated trim control sensitivity
- Updated FBW spin switch logic
- Updated FBW emergency switch logic
3D Model and Textures:
- Updated HUD glass material/texture
- Updated collision model with misconfigured line segements
- Updated fuel tank model and attachment angle
- Updated external model with minor specular changes
- Updated cockpit and external model for optimized polygons and more rounded cylinders
- Updated interior lights
- Pilot model and textures.
- Ejection seat and parachute
- Improved liveries.
We are sorry about this situation, but sometimes Murphy attacks and all we can do is pick up the pieces of the wreckage and keep going.
Další novinka od Wagse, vylepšený efekt přídavného spalování.
Another little improvement coming with the Hornet is an improve afterburner effect. It’s these little things that we hope to make the Hornet a truly great product.
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