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IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
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IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2017
zas nějaký video od kohosi .. už to asi rozdávaj i bezdomovcům
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Upravil/a magot dne 05-05-2017 21:17
Joe Hallenbeck
Poly-Dynamics BO-105

APKWS-Rocket and BO-105 Hellfire Version
RAZBAM Simulations MiG-19P

and then..there is the Mig-19..
RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack

FARP test

Textures are place holders, sounds are default DCS jet sounds, small test of FARP action using Tonopah as a makeshift FARP, landed too short at the taxi line, but took off no problems, keep in mid all this is a Work in Progress

YouTube Video

vertical takeoff, touch and go, vertical landing (sort of), NTTR

0% internal fuel (all on external tanks), texures are place holders (not even work in progress, i simply grew tired of a dull grey jet) and sounds are (still) DCS default jet engine sounds, terrain is the Nevada TTR

YouTube Video

Aviodev C-101

Hello dear friends.

Bellow you can see the changelog we had prepared for last Friday, unfortunately there hasn’t been any update from ED so it will have to wait for next one.

We have been working hard and we finally finished with Navigational Aids, just missing some minor bugs that we are working on right now. That means that we’ll start soon with CC radios, navigational aids and weapons, which we estimate will take around 2 months.

As you may know, this is hard to predict, it depends on the troubles we may find during the development process.

Regarding AFM, we keep working hard on it, integrating the new real data of the aircraft in the code. In this case it’s really hard to predict the time it will take, it will be several months, but in any case, we want to have it finished before the end of the year. Nevertheless that would only be the case if things go really wrong.


• Fixed command bar jump when passing through north heading or setting north heading in HDG mode.
• ALT mode commands now a correct altitude.
• Fixed missing SBY and GS EXT lights in rear panel repeater.
• FD V/L mode fixed.
• Fixed FD GO AROUND mode, it now commands wings level in roll channel instead of lateral mode V/L.
• Fixed GS mode, the airplane will now follow the glide path correctly.
• Fixed FD PAT mode. Restored functionality. ADI pitch adjustment knob only sets FD command bar in PAT mode, not ADI pitch attitude.
• Fixed ADI rising RWY symbol. It will now be hidden when the ADI is energized, as there is no radar altitude in the C-101EB.
RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack

Now I can navigate through a flight plan's waypoints.

The dashed values indicate that there is no valid TACAN data.

The wayppoint data is:
Bearing from present position to waypoint.
Distance from present position to waypoint in nautical miles.
Time-To-Go to the waypoint at present ground speed.

The blue triangle shows the bearing to the waypoint.

The blue circle shows the waypoint position in relation to the aircraft. The range is based on the display scale (SCL 25 = 25 nmiles)

RAZBAM Simulations MiG-19P

Mig-19 on a roll

RAZBAM Simulations Mirage IIICJ

M-IIICJ Development update...
Spitfire IX Test flight in NTTR using 2.1 RC

Spitfire IX Test flight in NTTR using 2.1 Release Candidate. Couple Stutters here and there, but I have all options on highest settings across the board.

YouTube Video

RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack

Working on the RWR.
Here is the coverage map.

RAZBAM Simulations MiG-19P

More Mig-19 development shots

Deka Ironwork Simulations

EFM & FCS Demo 2
FBW Demonstration

YouTube Video

No, myslel jsem si, že poslední prouďák co si koupím bude F18, ale tenhle čínsko-pakistánskej hrom asi dostane přednost Úsměv
DCS Update 4

DCS World
PAI aircraft engine running with uncontrolled type fixed.
Crash on second simulation launch with JTAC fixed.
Scripting function Weapon.getTarget() on SEAD missiles now returns correct data.
Corrected maximum fuel quantity for OH-58.
Clouds aren’t longer rendered in front of water splashes.
AI planes won’t be spawned with running engine when ramp start.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
Fixed command bar jump when passing through north heading or setting north heading in HDG mode.
ALT mode commands now a correct altitude.
Fixed missing SBY and GS EXT lights in rear panel repeater.
FD V/L mode fixed.
Fixed FD GO AROUND mode, it now commands wings level in roll channel instead of lateral mode V/L.
Fixed GS mode, the airplane will now follow the glide path correctly.
Fixed FD PAT mode. Restored functionality. ADI pitch adjustment knob only sets FD command bar in PAT mode, not ADI pitch attitude.
Fixed ADI rising RWY symbol. It will now be hidden when the ADI is energized, as there is no radar altitude in the C-101EB.
Fixed animation limits, when moved by mouse wheel, for the following cockpit controls: VHF NAV Volume, HSI
Digits Brightness, ADI Pitch Adjustment, Airspeed Indicator Bug (still buggy as it moves too fast, corrected for next update).

DCS MiG-21Bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
Adjusted timing for SPS-141 flair drop.
Fixed random countermeasures not working when button is pushed.
Added Chinese localization.
Added frontal lock correction for 'rear-aspect only' missiles. Note that the missiles can still acquire frontal lock when the target ir signature becomes strong enough.
Added new skin: Croatia 2014
Fixed roll induced sideslip with SAS on.
DCS Su-27
Cockpit stick animation angles corrected.
DCS F-5E-3
Fixed incorrect rockets release with 60 ms interval set via kneeboard.
Joystick input for AI gunners panel added.
Training missions texts showtime reduced.

Upravil/a magot dne 12-05-2017 20:05
Tenhle seznam změn jsme tu už měli. 16.12.2016. Šklebící se
Opakování matka moudrosti Šklebící se
aktualizováno ..
Upozornění! Moduly zakoupené na Steamu.

Mirage 2000C a všechny budoucí moduly na Steamu dostanou vlastní Steam klíče. Tyto moduly nebudou moci být aktivovány v samostatném DCS World! Moduly uvedené před příchodem Mirage 2000C na Steam nebudou ovlivněny a budou i nadále používat Starforce klíč.

Oficiální oznámení
RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack

As described, a basic cockpit walk around, sounds are ED's generic jet sounds, the idea is to show the completely reworked cockpit, little to nothing is from the FSX/P3D version. On a next video i'll show it's functionality

YouTube Video

Poly-Dynamics BO-105 PAH1A1

-> preview in modelviewer - Final touches on the PAH1A1's textures done ! I'm a little nip picker Úsměv
RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack - cockpit lightning show off

Tittle says it all, :-)

YouTube Video

už se na to těším, zase nacpat do hlavy 350 tlačítek s tím že se jiných x-set tlačítek z Viggenu a M2000 přesune do paměti typu alzheimer
Falcon to byla krásná hra, tam byl jen ten falcon Úsměv
magot napsal:

už se na to těším, zase nacpat do hlavy 350 tlačítek s tím že se jiných x-set tlačítek z Viggenu a M2000 přesune do paměti typu alzheimer
Falcon to byla krásná hra, tam byl jen ten falcon Úsměv

Šklebící se A to na tebe ještě číhá Hornet a Tomcat. A když už jsme u kocoura...

Heatblur Simulations F-14A&B

**All graphics, sounds and effects are development placeholders!!**

Rough cut, Pre-Alpha look at the ACLS (Automatic Carrier Landing System) in action on a foggy day!
This is a Mode I approach: the Autopilot and Autothrottle are slaved to the ACLS until just before touchdown.

DCS: F-14A & B is slated for completion in late 2017.

Happy Top Gun Day!

YouTube Video

Když jsme u toho co nás čeká..Razbam na nás sype jeden screen, video, s Harrierem za druhým..čekal bych ( vzhledem k termínu - letos ) něco podobného i u Horneta..nečekají ale u Razbamu na funkční AG mod radaru, kterej by měl byt uvolněn s Hornetem..?
AG mod má už A-10C. A pak Razbam není ED, buď si to naprogramujou nebo ne, těžko budou vykrádat ED.
A10 ma nějaký AG radar mod? Já vše řešil pomocí AGM 65..Jo to že Razbam není ED to vím, ale tak nějak jsem byl asi uveden v omyl informací, že ED vyvijí nástroj pro AG mod radaru na F18, který po ukončení uvolní mezi ostatní vývojové týmy k následnému použití..
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