Porazit nepřítele a dát mu život může vypadat jako projev laskavosti,
ale ve skutečnosti to je to nejkrutější, co poraženého může potkat. [samurajský pohled na zajetí]
se mě zadařil husarskej kousek s abramsem, mezitím co mě Ka-50 vyzobával vichrama celou tankovou četu, jsem ho na poslední chvíli sestřelil AP projektilem od oka na 1,9km a to při tom docela divoce manévroval, považoval jsem to takřka za nemožné. Prostě Rambo
[img]https://s25.postimg.org/dkr61i95b/Screen_170405_223845.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://s25.postimg.org/fqlgw0clr/Screen_170405_223851.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Upravil/a magot dne 05-04-2017 23:00
Všechny DCS moduly používají ochranu StarForce Pro Active již od roku 2008. Možná už i déle. Nejsem si jistý, jestli už nebyla v LO:FC Takže nechápu podstatu výroku.
CA neofiko fix - Naval Support + Arleigh Burke class update
CA fix
1. Unrealistic launch delay for RIM-66 SM-2 and Tomahawk removed.
2. Renamed RGM-109B to RGM-109C TLAM-C(The BGM-109B is a TASM ANTI SHIP MISSILE not land attack, while TLAM-C is)
3. Increased the tomahawks range from 250nm to 900nm as per factual information and other properties.
4. RIM-66 modified to fire at a greater range.
5. Ticonderoga class cruiser can now go at 32.5knots, actual speed IRL. Tomahawk stations and firing order reconfigured.
Arleigh Burke class update (mod)
1. The ship model was moved to correct level above sea (By Markindel) Helicopter landing point fixed accordingly
2. New and more detailed textures for DDG-96 and DDG-91
3. Load-out changes for DDG-96 (Offensive)
-56x RGM-109C TLAM-C Tomahawks (Changed from 32)
-37x RIM-66 Standard Missile-2s (Replaced by new tomahawks)
4. Load-out changes for DDG-91 (Defensive) No changes, this ship has less tomahawks than DDG-91 and more SM-2s
5. New data for DDG-96, DDG-91 including new top speed, acceleration and mass.
6. Configuration for DDG-96, DDG-91 to improve usage when using combined arms module(Cruise closes to the coast etc).
SAM weapons on ships can be controlled via combined arms WRA, Tomahawk launched via target option in tactical map(there is a minimum range of 6km), 127mm cannon fired at close range fire point.
CA mod FV107 Scimitar
[img]https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/upload/iblock/920/Scimitar_FV107-poster.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Saratov s helipadem
[img]https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/upload/iblock/cc2/ship_h10.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Doplnění munice k A-10
[img]https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/upload/iblock/96a/untitl44.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
This weekend we are moving this version from Open Beta to release status.
DCS World
* Tree models fixed.
* Fixed GUI Error when using the condition for the task.
* F-15C. Fixed performance drop issue related to control axis moving in some cases.
DCS World
Fixed GUI Error when using the condition for the task
F-15C. Fixed performance drop issue related to control axis moving in some cases.
DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations
Important: This update contains the MiG-21Bis StarForce patch.
Before applying this update, please visit ED forum thread for detailed information:
(English) https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php...85&postcount=1
(Russian) https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=185643
Adjusted flaps’ drag coefficients.
Adjusted axis roll at slow speeds.
Adjusted pitch, roll, and yaw stability.
Adjusted acceleration in climb and turning.
Fixed unusual event when AOA stalls, caused aircraft to enter uncontrollable roll.
Fixed RSBN, PRMG, SAU automatic landing modes, causing unwanted oscillation.
Fixed default chaff and flare quantities for ASO-2 configuration.
Fixed the armament selection switch’s logic.
Adjusted IR missiles’ detection range.
Fixed radar ground reflections’ algorithm while flying inverted.
ВДИ-30К altimeter now calibrated for International Standard Atmosphere
Fixed RSBN distance indicator changing from XX9 to X2X.
UPK-23-250 control box now shows.
Corrected “Main Red Lights” rotation animation.
Corrected ADI/HSI’s light illumination sequence.
Adjusted afterburner animation and sound synchronization.
Fixed navigation beacons locations and ordering
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