Tak jsem zkoušel ten radar u Viggena na NTTR a fungovalo mi to správně. Zkus si změnit rozsah na 15, jinak se to kouká moc daleko a přijde ti, že to ukazuje špatně. Jinak koukám, že ve složce s manuálem přibyla moc dobrá zbraňová tabulka. Jenom mi teda není jasné, jak zadávat koordináty pro NTTR ve viggenu. Musím pohledat.
Jo tak už mě to funguje, přemapoval jsem si to nastavení a změna dosahu reaguje. S dosahem 60km to fakt jít nemohlo.
Here's a quick video of an intense dogfight with a MiG-29. The F-14B is no slouch in WVR fights.
Obligatory: This is pre-pre-pre-Alpha. Many things are wrong and pending to be fixed!
The refresh rate will be higher for certain elements on the HUD. In this video, examples include the guncross and tracking diamond, which exist on a seperate rasterizer.
These will refresh more quickly than e.g. nav elements.
Once we have implemented our shaders for the HUD (think Viggen HUD) -- it will look far more natural with a lower refresh rate. Right now it's quite jarring, especially in 60fps contrast to everything else.
* MP. Repairing client no longer causes crash. Fixed an occasional crash that could occur when restarting mission. Other stability improvements.
* AIM-7M. DLZ of AIs corrected.
* Fix of lift ground effect under objects.
* AI fighters will attack helicopters with the close range AA missiles.
* Fixed an older issue where AI vehicles are unable to find a road if the first on road waypoint isn't placed on a road.
* Invalid number of chaff/flares in rearming menu fixed.
* BetAB-500ShP. Corrected a rocket motor flame position.
* S-24 rocket. Corrected a rocket motor flame volume.
* ME. Advanced actions - perform command - transmit message locale bug is fixed.
* Encyclopedia. Some updates and bugfixes.
* The midair crashes (feel like invisible obstacles) of aircraft near Nellis fixed.
DCS C-101 by AvioDev
* Fixed auto startup sequence. No more BLOC.CAB announcement after autostart.
* Fixed main wheels coordinates, wheel smoke will be shown correctly now.
* Fixed helmet visor texture (removed banding).
* POL mode bug fixed. Now all weapons safetied when in POL mode.
* D2M keybinds fixed.
* Minor changes to FM.
DCS Flaming Cliffs
* Bomb-fall line on russian aircraft HUD will not be flashing.
* Su-27. Corrected wheel brakes. Added new command for brakes - LShift+W.
DCS Combined Arms
* Tunguska (SA-19). The auto-sighting when stabilization is on corrected.
* Camera shake cockpit feature were added
* 6 basic checklists were added in the voice-over mode of the AI crew and with the waiting of the user's actions
* R-828 sound commutation fixed in according with SPU rotary switch.
* SPU - max volume at hot start.
* DC rotary switch in BATT BUS position by default at hot start.
Changed height definition (parking for NTTR)
Added weapon chart to /Docs/ -- Thanks <xx>
Fix for series-launch after re-arm
Fixed inputting LOLA Waypoints in NTTR
Updated warheads for rockets
Added Cold Start mission to NTTR
Implemented MP Friendly BK90
Added localization support for hints and inputs
Fixed some tooltip popups
Added customized cockpit support (EN Cockpit incoming!)
Added localization PO files
Added CN hint and encyclopedia localization
Corrected RB15 missing its' target
Corrected silent RWR
Corrected RB-04 and RB-15 for the AI
Fixed CTD when entering a mission with a carrier and other ships in the same group
Improved structural damage
Added Over-G sounds
Added basic force feedback implementation
Added keycommands for stick
Rebuilt AFK landing mode
Possibly fixed RB-04 and RB-15 rearm issues
Fixed some keyboard flight control commands
Fixed FORMLJUS shining on wing instead of vertical tailplane
Fixed gap in front panel in external view
fixed pylons poking through interior of intake
fixed see through behind FLI ball
re-fixed E-W on FLI ball
re-fixed gap in front canopy rim
Optimized various cockpit parts
Fixed TILS light staying on after landing
AKAN gunpod sounds added (ED)
Stream bude zítra, 18.3.2017 v 17:00 místního času.
Seznam známých chyb v 2.0:
M-2000C: Significant performance drop with enabled mirrors when canopy is opened or jettisoned.
MiG-21bis: Significant performance drop when other aircraft placed nearby.
L-39 engine stops right after entering the mission.
L-39 starts perpendicular to RWY.
A-10C Crash when battery switch is used from cold start.
F-15C control axis don't work.
Bf-109, Spitfire - some gauges don't work.
F-5 Freezes DCS completely, CTD, regardless if in the air or ground.
DCS сrashes when Shilka hits a FC3 plane.
ZDE Je odkaz, kde můžete pokládat dotazy, který by měly být ve streamu odpovězeny. ZDE je odkaz na kanál YTB, z nějž bude streamováno.
Upravil/a AJaromir dne 17-03-2017 18:04
Na ksichtoknize je aktualizovaná mapa Normandie. Prej máme hádat, co se změnilo.
že tam umělci dodělali ty dva ostrovy na který zapomněli? Guernsey a Jersey? Ještě jim tam chybí svatá Anna ..
Vtip je v tom že byly okupovaný němci až do konce války a spojenci je ignorovali a nikdy se je nepokusili dobít .. bylo tam pár bunkrů ..
Upravil/a magot dne 17-03-2017 18:13
hmmm a z Evreux to bylo pár kiláků do Paříže ...
Jenže to co oni zvětšily bude prázdnej rovnej prostor. Jako v NTTR.
Zabydlenej výsek bude asi dost malej, zřejmě jen prostor západně od St.Lo na pláže a kousek pobřeží v Anglii. S Anglií se původně vůbec nepočítalo ..
Upravil/a magot dne 17-03-2017 18:53
Dle ED FB je to rozšíření z důvodů případných potíží s konci mapy. Tedy jak píše magot, stejné opatření jako u NTTR.
Mimochodem, funguje vám pod NTTR Viggen?
U RAZBAMu si asi zakázali spát. Krom dalšího pokroku na Harrieru (viz. níže) se jim ve spolupráci s ED podařilo vyndat nepříjemnou chybu způsobující nízké FPS s Mirage 2000 na mapě NTTR.
The bug where you experience low FPS in Nevada when on the ground with the canopy open and the mirror activated has been fixed.
As I suspected it was an internal DCS problem so ED had to fix it. They found the bug and killed it.
I won't explain what the bug was but from a coder perspective it was hilarious, as in it shouldn't be doing what it was doing and yet there it was, doing precisely that. Anyway, ED told the code to stop joking around and be serious and fixed the issue.
It should be available on next 2.0.x update.
RAZBAM Simulations AV-8B Night Attack
Still working on the cameras controls. This is a CCD video test. Final result will be different.
magot napsal:
Jo jde mi Viggen. I F-5tka, ta některým lidem údajně mrzne ..
F-5 mi mrzne.
Viggen, žádné módy. Rychlý start, vytvořit rychlou misi nebo vlastní mise, zkrátka studený start u mě vypadá po stisknutí "letět" ve všech případech následovně:
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