To je pravda, ale u nich je vsetko tajne. Takze rusaci vlastne nic nedovolia a ani neposkytnu ziadne data. Takze sa lieta na niecom vlastne ani neviem na com
Barthek vydal novou verzi balíčku textur pro mapu Kavkazu.
Fellow DCS pilots,
Today I am proud to release the newest version of my Ground Textures Mod. The development of the current release took me 3 months, however, it would take much longer if I didn’t have the experience which I gradually gained starting from my very first project. I decided to name this version GTM 10 due to the fact that it will probably be the last one on my dcs modding journey. Hence, I hope it will meet your requirements and make the DCS experience much deeper.
A few facts about GTM 10:
- GTM 10 is an overhaul of DCS terrain textures
- about 500 textures have been edited
- changes affect buildings, cities, towns, fields, forests, mountains, airports and many more
- the package is JSGME ready
- I don't observe any significant fps loss on my rig when compared to vanila textures
- finding targets on A-10 TGP may be a bit harder depending on the place where the units are placed (but not impossible)
I wish you a lot of fun with this release and I am looking forward to hearing your feedback!
Tohle vypadá solidně. Hlavně proto že byl schopnej kompletně předělat ty super hnusný foto textury pod zástavbou.
První verze kavkazu na kterou se dá dívat bez žaludeční potíží ... i když to trochu celé připomíná perský koberec s chemickými barvami
Upravil/a magot dne 16-02-2017 09:23
Today I tested the automatic flaps logic. The animation is still rough since I am testing the logic not the smoothness of the animation. That will come later.
Moc pěkný, Loft nacpal Bocage ke Stalingradu a Moskvě, teď ED i k Londýnu
To lemování stromy by měli více zrandomizovat, místy bylo chudé a místy hodně husté i několik řad přecházející do lesů ..
The Basic HUD is nearly complete for both NAV and VSTOL modes. Further work must wait until the EFM is more advanced since the HUD requires certain parameters that must be fed by the EFM.
VSTOL mode: This mode is used when most of the lift is generated by the engines instead of the wings. It provides very useful data like engine RPM, Jet Tail Pipe Temperature, nozzle orientation and flaps deployment. All this is very important information that you need to stay alive while in jet borne operations. Remember, this aircraft is actively trying to kill you.
To je sympatický jak Razbam dělá ty kokpity low-polygonově, je to hranatější ještě víc než kokpity od Belsimteku ... ne jak ty pomatenci z Leatherneck co to nejdřív přeserou a pak brečej že je FPS v hajzlu ..
To je sympatický jak Razbam dělá ty kokpity low-polygonově, je to hranatější ještě víc než kokpity od Belsimteku ... ne jak ty pomatenci z Leatherneck co to nejdřív přeserou a pak brečej že je FPS v hajzlu ..
Kocoura dělali kteří? Páčto ten vypadal... "pěkně"...
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