DCS Update 1
Added support of the new F-5E Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers Campaign by Maple Flag
* SA342 Gazelle. Restored functionality of helicopter in DCS 2.0.4
* Crash of VR with SFM planes has been fixed
* A-10C. Cockpit mirrors will not be blurred now
* A-10C. Simplified radio restored
* Ka-50. The ABRIS search function restored
* The smoke trails effect corrected. The smoke trails will not appear in front of aircraft and missiles.
* Missile smoke trail will not disappear at some distances
* The “Unit is dead” trigger will work correctly
* L-39. The taxi and landing lights will be enabled at hot start
* Mission generator. The error when China Su-27 is selected has been fixed
* The aircraft laser designator will not pass through buildings and missiles will not aim to laser spot behind the illuminated building
* PAI : Group take off on narrow runways fixed, A/C will take off in pairs
* PAI: hazardous approach after landing fixed
* Fast mission generator: corrected mission launch when terrain is not chosen
* Merkava Mk.4: coaxial and AA machine guns ammo corrected up to 2*5000 rounds
* VR devices: extremely low FPS fixed
* F-5Е-3 Flight Manual EN errors are corrected
* F-5Е-3 Flight Manual RU: p.43 the wingspan was corrected for RU manual only
YouTube Video
RAZBAM Simulations Mirage 2000C
The BLG-66 Belouga cluster bomb is now functional. While smaller in size to the MK-20 Rockeye it is heavier.
BLG-66 / MK-20
Mass: 290 Kg vs 222 Kg
Bomblets: 151 / 247
Bomblet mass: 1.3 Kg / 0.59 Kg
This means that the BLG-66 bomblet carries a bigger punch.
The images are from a test flight. The green lines represent the radar arc.
[img]https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/15194532_1170358606384109_6915738353332024748_o.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/15123441_1170358793050757_6293380959865201497_o.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
[img]https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/15129433_1170201419733161_4295231574093847495_o.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Edit: Přidáno info k M2000C
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 25-11-2016 15:50
RAZBAM Simulations Mirage 2000C - Détecteur de Départ Missile (DDM)
Zeus67 napsal pár slov co se chystá dodat.
Détecteur de Départ Missile (DDM aka D2M) je volitelný senzor pro Mirage 2000.
Samotné senzory jsou umístěny na koncích Magic II pylonů.
Mirage 2000C (Chasseur) tento senzor nenesla a to i přesto, že ECM panel má přepínač k zapnutí/vypnutí. Systém je nainstalován v Mirage 2000D, což je dvoumístná útočná varianta.
Hlavním úkolem je detekovat IR signaturu MANPADů a upozornit tak pilota na ohrožení raketou, kterou RWR nemůže detekovat. Neboť mají MANPADy velmi omezenou zónu útoku, pouze útočná varianta D2M nesla.
Rozhodl jsem se to přidat, protože vím, že mnoho z vás rádo bombarduje s M-2000C.
Vemte na vědomí, že v případě kdy se nevyzbrojíte raketami Magic II, nebudete mít systém D2M.
[img]http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y34/UlricKerensky/M2K%20C/M2000C%20DDM%20Sensors_zpsweyuoksv.png[/img] is not a valid Image.
Jak to funguje? Krom toho, že se po detekci nepřátelské rakety rozezní poplach, nevím. Stejně jako ostatní defenzivní opatření, i D2M podléhá utajení, takže neexistují žádná veřejně přístupná data vyjma pár fotek zobrazující jejich pozici.
Zeus67 dále informuje, že zóna pokrytí je jeho rozhodnutí a zdůvodňuje ho. Více v původní zprávě.
Jak bude systém prezentován v kokpitu je nejasné. Myslí si, že sluchové upozornění společně se špičkou (tenká čára) zobrazující azimut výstřelu na RWR by bylo nejlepší.
Systém je WiP (Work in Progress) a pokusí se ho mít nachystaný tento týden.
Ve vlákně se pak diskutuje o tom, že M-2000C nebyla D2M ve skutečnosti vybavena a vznikl požadavek na volbu zda mít či nemít D2M. Zeus67 ujišťuje, že se pokusí najít nějaké řešení v podobě dvou jiných pylonů, případně externí pody.
na tomto obrázku pak ukazuje jak je systém limitovaný
[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/jetsetmodels/3-JW.jpg[/img] is not a valid Image.
Ať si to strčí někam ... D verzi nemáme a když se neví jak to funguje a jak se to zobrazuje tak je to celý pohádka.
Proto to bude volitelná možnost. Skutečná C verze D2M uměla, jenom se na té verzi z nějakých důvodů nepoužívala. Kdo ten systém nebude chtít používat si ho nenamontuje. Bohužel, pokud něco podléhá utajení, pak pravděpodobně nic jiného než nějaký generický model nedostaneme. U F-14A/B, F/A-18C, Harrier, atd. to bude podobné. Osobně tu možnost volby vítám.
Swinoujscie, Poland November 28th 2016 – AJS-37 Viggen coming to DCS World!
Leatherneck Simulations, in association with The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics, are immensely proud to announce the development of the AJS-37 for DCS World!
The AJS-37 Viggen is a Swedish double-delta supersonic attack aircraft from the late Cold War. It was the backbone of the Swedish Air Force during the Cold war, serving as the main attack and anti-ship platform.
The AJS is the 90’s upgrade of this 70’s era aircraft, adding several advanced weapons and systems functionalities.
The aircraft was designed around the pilot, with an excellent man-machine interface, supporting the pilot through the smart use of autopilot systems and HUD symbology in order to deliver the ordnance onto targets from treetop level with high speed attack runs.
Key Features of the DCS: AJS-37 Viggen include:
* Highly detailed and accurate 6-DOF (Degrees of Freedom) cockpit.
* Extensive and highly detailed aircraft modelling systems such as:
* CK37 aircraft computer with navigation data, time on target, and fuel calculation systems.
* Data input / output interface and pre-planned data cartridge functionality.
* Automatic dead reckoning navigation and terrain contour matching position update system.
* Flight instrument systems.
* Electrical and hydraulic systems.
* Advanced RM-8A jet engine modelling with thrust reverser, compressor surges and stalls.
* Sophisticated high-resolution air-to-ground radar technology modelling the PS-37/A radar including:
Multiple radar amplifications and filter settings.
Obstacle detection mode.
Memory mode.
Air-to-Air mode.
Highly accurate advanced flight model based on real performance data and documentation.
* Maritime reconnaissance capabilities to determine position, course and speed of vessels.
* Advanced programmable weapons such as the RB-15F anti-ship missile with multiple waypoints and the configurable BK-90 “Mjolnir” Cluster munitions dispenser.
* Detailed modelling of over 14 unique weapons and miscellaneous stores with multiple versions and delivery methods, ranging from rockets, bombs, to advanced air-to-ground missiles such as the command-guided RB-05A and the TV-guided RB-75 “Maverick” missiles.
* Comprehensive 400+ page flight manual.
* Extensive interactive & voiced training tutorials.
* Several campaigns and missions including:
Caucasus campaign
Mini NTTR DACT campaign
Mini Caucasus introduction campaign.
Instant action and single player missions.
This is the product of several years of passion and dedication and we are happy to finally announce the aircraft. We hope you will have as fun learning and flying the aircraft as we have had recreating it.
Pár dalších informací k Viggenu, Tomcatu a bojišti od Leatherneck Simulations:
ohledně výzbroje Viggenu
Could you give us a detailled list of the weaponry (14 unique weapons) we can expect?
M/71 High-explosive bomb.
M/71 High-explosive bomb with drag chute.
Lysbomb M/71 illumination bomb.
ARAK M70/B rocket pod with HE and Armour piercing warheads.
AKAN M/55 Autocannon pod.
RB-05 Air-to-Ground / Air-to-Air missile.
RB-75 Air-to-Ground missile. (3 versions A/B/T)
RB-15F Anti-ship missile.
RB-04E Anti-ship missile.
U22 / U22A Electronic countermeasures pod.
KB Chaff / Flare Countermeasures dispenser pod.
BK-90 Cluster munitions dispenser with two different submunitions.
RB24/24J/74 Air-to-Air IR guided Sidewinder missiles (AIM9/B/J/L)
X-tank External fuel tank.
ohledně datumu vydání Viggenu
Release date?
The aircraft is is in it's final stages of polishing. It's likely noone here will have any time off before or during Christmas, but we don't yet know of an exact day.
ohledně Tomcatu
How is the F-14 Coming along ?
Development is progressing very well, with a slight dip in production speed due to the impending Viggen release. Mid to late 2017 is looking very likely, but we’ll keep you well informed until then. A HUGE amount of FM and systems work has been developed in the background for this Aircraft, and we are really excited to show it all off starting very early next year.
Will the F-14B have LANTIRN capability? Is the data-link being created?
LANTIRN not decided yet.
And regarding data-link, the early A's and B's are only equipped with really basic datalinks for automatic carrier landing and such.
ohledně bojiště
Will the initial release include the new theater? If not, can you tell us anything new about it?
We’re working hard on terrain development, but we’re not ready to show or speak about details just yet. For now, we’ve focused on producing rich gameplay content for both the Caucasus and NTTR maps, and we will be shipping this in the release and post-release periods. Due to the massive amount of work involved in creation of a new theatre we won't be able to include it in the Viggen as it looks right now. Everything is subject to change though
Japak se asi budou zaměřovat mavericky, když to nemá MFD ..
Can you give us some more info about the radar, how useful is it and what is the main differences compared to F-5E?
It's totally different. It's mainly an A2G radar (the first of its kind in DCS), used to find e.g. ships. It has an A2A mode and is able to see aircraft at closer ranges though, but it's up to you to make them out from the ground clutter. In general, it will require a lot more from the operator than the radar systems already in DCS today.
In this image you can see an example of how it maps different types of terrain on the scope: http://i.imgur.com/7lWUnFa.jpg
Schválně dělají highpoly model. Pak mohou upravovat množství polygonů dle libosti. Nehledě na výhled do budoucna. Doby lowpoly modelů jsou tam tam. Naštěstí.
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