November 23 2024 08:33:21
IL-2 BoS Návody
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IL-2 Návody
IL-2 Sturmovik (verze)
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IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (pilot help)
IL-2 Sturmovik FAQ (SW help)
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· Hosté on-line: 14

· Piloti on-line: 0

· Registrovaní piloti: 2,747
· Nejnovější pilot: carramba66
IL-2: Cliffs of Dover
IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover- krabice (box)
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - krabice (box)
Rise of Flight
Rise of Flight - krabice (box)
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DCS World 2016
Já měl za to že po těch letech létání už jsi zmáknul nebourat sila Šklebící se
Belsimtek F-5E Tiger II

DCS: F-5E Tiger II is to receive release status on November 11, 2016. We pass Tiger to our customers with great pleasure. It was developed by enthusiastic team of like-minded, people who truly love aviation! We’re sure, that this can be felt during each flight and the model will become one of the favorites for a long time!
Have good flights!

YouTube Video

Tak copak dneska asi vypadne z ED zase za výpeček .. žeby sleva na Su-25T, či soutěž o nejkrásnější západ slunce ..
magot napsal:

Tak copak dneska asi vypadne z ED zase za výpeček .. žeby sleva na Su-25T, či soutěž o nejkrásnější západ slunce ..

* Těsně. Šklebící se 20% sleva na F-5E a 40% sleva na balíčky F-5E+NTTR a F-5E+FC3.

* F-5E změny
Inverted spins have been simulated
UHF radio - Hinged access door will now open
AIM-9 tone will not be heard if both wingtips are gone
Landing gear audible warning will be heard when warning test switch is enabled
TACAN channel selector animation has been corrected
Fixed RWR sound issues with new contacts
Wing bend and twist due to G-loads has been corrected
Changing TACAN channel will not interrupt current radio chat
Input: Added some axis commands for TDC, rudder trim, lights etc.
With an F-5E air start, the aircraft will be trimmed to the assigned speed like it is implemented for all other aircraft
Aileron limiter now disabled at cold start
Single player missions added
Added inert and training stores
Added wing damage with high G overload
Drag chute cannot be fully deployed without an airstream
Drag chute model corrected
Fixed missing right wing light halo
Corrected training missions triggers (setting course).
Some corrections to Flight Manual
Added pilot to cockpit
Fixed fuel pressure lights simultaneously going off after single engine start
Fixed oxygen pressure gage showing 0 after turning off supply lever
Fixed chaff program execution when single flare is selected
Added IFF input commands

* 1.5.5 změny v otevřené betě jdou do stabilní větve

* Potvrzují, že 2.5 nebude tento rok hlavně kvůli aktualizaci mapy Kavkazu. Dva měsíce nejsou dostatečné na kvalitu, kterou chtějí nabídnout. Dále informují, že top prioritami ED jsou Normandie, aktualizace NTTR a Spitfire. Jakmile budou tyto uvolněny, přejde priorita na DCS 2.5.

* Hornet - stejně jako s 2.5, tento rok nezpřístupní podle původního plánu předprodej na "early access"


Edit: Přidány další změny u F-5E
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 11-11-2016 15:47
Normandia bude zadara,alebo platena?
[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
No ale ty negativní vrtáky s F-5tkou to musím zkusit Úsměv
CSL1_Talbot napsal:

Normandia bude zadara,alebo platena?

Zcela jistě placená. Zdarma bude aktualizace mapy Kavkazu.
Tož... P-51C?! Jsem zmaten.

[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
Rien n'est parfait; c'est la vie!
Koty napsal:

Tož... P-51C?! Jsem zmaten.

To bude nějaký mod ala P-38 Lightning nebo A6M Zero, co používají kokpit a FM z P-51D.

RAZBAM Simulations Mirage 2000C

IFF konečně opraveno.

Current Release and Open Beta
November 11, 2016

IFF Friendly Bug fixed on ED/DCS side
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 11-11-2016 17:35
DCS Normandie

Wags uvolnil obrázek z editoru mise, kde jsou zobrazena letiště na mapě Normandie. Zdůrazňuje, že jde o WIP (Work In Progress). Dále informuje, že vzhledem k uvolnění modulu Spitfire nám v následujících týdnech nasdílí více informací k oběma modulům.

Vypadá to, že ta 51C má vlastní kokpit, asi jen upravenej z 51D, ale i tak (ne že by tam bylo potřeba měnit tolik...)

A mapa vypadá parádně. Mrknutí
Rien n'est parfait; c'est la vie!
toož, chlapi, jak reálný je simulovaný odpaliště S-75? Vyděšený

[img][/img] is not a valid Image.
Rien n'est parfait; c'est la vie!
Mělo by to být v Rumunsku.

Ostrý byly, podle sovětského vzoru, uspořádaný do šestiúhelníku, uprostřed byl tuším zaměřovací radar (bo palpost?)

musel bych pohledat

Každopádně je tam:
vyhledávací radar
sledovací radar

dost možná i další blbiny, jako externí generátory a tak.
Rien n'est parfait; c'est la vie!
RAZBAM Simulations Mirage 2000C

Přehled změn do další aktualizace.

These are the changes that have been submitted to ED for release. So it is guaranteed that these will be available on next update:

Bug fixes:
- safety paddles remain up for AI
- Intercom fuel switch broken
- Texture mapping issue (cockpit)
- Document handler issue (cockpit)
- "Boule" Pole position cold & dark: incorrect
- "Boule" bank angle issue
- Rockets (PPA) - problem with PAR
- V/UHF Panel Issues
- Missing kneeboard texture on pilot's body model
- Multiple bomb release quantity bug.
- BGU bomb release bug for pylons in the wing root.
- Wrong knobs/switches orientation.

New Feature:
Belouga - BLG 66 bomb definition (WiP / Non Functional)

CCRP test using radar AGR (TAS)
YouTube Video

Noo... tak prej ta P-51C je interní mod, člověk co jim dělal 3D tak to dělal s tím, že je to interní Mrknutí
Rien n'est parfait; c'est la vie!
Zajímavostí je, že ve Virtual Horsemen a ve VEAO Simulations figuruje minimálně jedna stejná osoba - PMan. Úsměv
Koukám na neoficiální plán DCS a o P-51 variantách ni vidu. Vzhledem ale k tomu, že v DCS se nám ty plány mění pomalu co měsíc, tak je možný všechno. Úsměv

RAZBAM Simulations Harrier

Model poškození. Dělá na něm Tim Taylor z Metal2Mesh.

[img][/img] is not a valid Image.

[img][/img] is not a valid Image.

[img][/img] is not a valid Image.

DCS: NEVADA Test and Training Range Map - Extension Pack

Tak nám rozšířili mapu NTTR + masivní seznam změn (povětšinou již v 1.5.5)

Known issues: DCS Gazelle not working, will be fixed soon

DCS World

ME. Attack point circle on the map restored
Debriefing. The duplicate tasks and aircraft names in the General Debriefing Data will be filtered
Added clickable radio-menu
AI UH-1H will not able to fly with broken tail rotor
MP. Added keyboard shortcut (F5) to refresh a list of servers in the lobby
MP. Lobby. The task column was replaced with an airfield column.
MP. Fixed bug that causes a no restriction movement of F11 view after ESC pressing
Simulation ESC menu. Added Audio Option panel button
Simulation ESC menu. Added Quit to Desktop button
Crash when trying to take control (jump into) of AI helicopter with vertical velocity more than 2 m/s has been fixed
Mission Generator. GUI Error when trying to change the starting position of vehicle company has been fixed
MP. Player kick button will visible only on server
The LOD of destroyed Kamaz-43101 model has been fixed
MP. Increased default timeouts to 300 seconds
MP. Network protocol changed (version 2.0.4 incompatible with 2.0.3)
Added new 3D models: KRAZ truck and Merkava 4 MBT.
Il-78 tanker. Added lights animation to UPAZ refueling pod.
Playable aircraft will not explode when reach negative altitude
Bug causing some buildings invisible to client and host is fixed
AI wingman will not fly away from the map after tanker destruction
Name of airfields in the radio menu corrected
“On Shot” trigger will work with manpads

DCS Hawk T.1 by VEAO

Aden gun pod fire and ejector positions updated.
Brake pressure gauges now functional.
Transponder panel now active (for future functionality).
Gun and stores stick flaps animated correctly.
External textures optimized.
Kneeboard updated for authentic Hawk checklists (see install instructions in kneeboard folder).
New Nevada airfields and beacons for TACAN, VOR and ILS added.
Rear seat switching implemented for single player including functionality:
Press 2 and 1 to switch cockpits (can also assign to joystick).
Click spots updated for rear seat functionality.
Flap and gear control (clickable and joystick) implemented, including emergency flap and gear.
Flap and gear indicators functional.
Hydraulics and brake pressure gauges implemented.
Parking brake, Anti-Skid, Oxygen switch and AC/DC buttons all implemented.
HSI, Standby ADI, DGI and pressure settings switches, buttons and knobs functionality implemented.
All rear cockpit dash gauges implemented.
HSI Tacan / ILS navigation and glideslope functions implemented.
Beacon light and test implemented.
Accelerometer reset implemented.
CWP indicators functional including test switch.
Attention light reset switches implemented.
Land/Taxi light switch implemented.
Cockpit lighting switches, including dimmers, implemented.
Cockpit lighting WIP for FPS improvements.
CCS box implemented; VHF/UHF/ILS/Tacan (tune radios in front cockpit).
Canopy locking lever and safety catch implemented. Note: there is no grab handle in the back, press LCtrl+C to close or front cockpit grab handle).
Engine start / re-light sequence implemented. You can start the jet from the back but some switches in front need to be set (Ignition, Battery, LP Fuel Cock and Fuel Pump).
Weapons indicator panel functional and tied to front cockpit switch functionality (indicator lights show what has been set in the front).
Weapon override switch functional (set to override to disable firing of weapons).
Weapon jettison button functional.
Ability to ride-along in the rear seat in Player 2 slot on multi-player servers.
New night lighting implemented in both cockpits.

DCS Ka-50

Bug with ABRIS that Eastings coordinates off by 1 degree has been fixed
Animation of ejection sequence fixed
Parking brake fixed
Fire exhaust effect for Ka-50's APU has been added
Searchlight will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer

DCS L-39

Anti-ice system switch will be OFF at cold start
ADI failure lamp will lit when AC power is missing
Corrected latitude value on GMK-1
Cockpits sounds will depend of corresponding canopy state, forward cockpit by forward canopy and rear cockpit by rear canopy.
Emergency generator extension will be visible on net phantoms.
RadioCommandDialogPanel error when MP client second time occupied the rear cockpit has been fixed


Steerpoint marker on HUD will not floating
The parasitic elements of external 3D model were removed from cockpit
Fixed click sound for some cockpit switches
UHF radio tone sound will not heard without electrical power
TAD symbols will not disappearing
Second AIM-9 missile will have a seeker indication on HUD


Inverted spin has been simulated.
UHF Radio - Hinged Access Door will be opened.
AIM-9 tone will not be heard if both wingtips gone off.
Landing gear audible warning will be heard when warning test switch enabled.
TACAN channel selector animation corrected.
Fixed RWR sound issues with new contacts.
Wing bend and twist due to G-loads has been corrected.
Changing TACAN channel will not interrupt current radio chat.
Input: Added some axis commands for TDC, rudder trim, lights etc.
With the start in the air the F-5E will be trimmed on the assigned speed like it is implemented for all other aircraft.
Aileron limiter now disabled at cold start.
Single player missions added.
Added inert and training stores.
Added wing damage with high G overload.
Drag chute can not be fully deployed without any airstream.
Drag chute model corrected.
Fixed missing right wing light halo
Corrected training missions triggers (setting course).
Some corrections to Flight Manual
Added pilot to cockpit
Fixed fuel pressure lights simultaneously going off after single engine start
Fixed oxygen pressure gage showing 0 after turning off supply lever
Fixed chaff program execution when single flare is selected
Added IFF input commands

DCS F-86

Fixed incorrect effect of flap deflection on pitching moment


Su-33: Autopilot mode indication will work
Su-33. Digital fuel indicator repaired
Su-25T. Engine sound will not disappear in cockpit when RPM<36% and RPM>98%
F-15C. The override possibility of TWS 30 degree scan to 60 degree scan has been eliminated
F-15C. TDC will not be slewed by mouse to outside the scan zone
Su-27. Incorrect indication of fuel quantity when starting in air has been fixed
Su-27. Flight control system with AOA and G-limiter has been adjusted
Su-27. Autopilot has been adjusted
Su-27. Tires strength has been adjusted

DCS Fw 190 D-9

Pilot model in cockpit is able to be disabled
The decreasing of fuel via refueling dialog will not affect to MW50 quantity
Keyboard commands for reticle brightness control has been Inverted


Player's role changing will be reproduced in track
External F2 camera will do not zooming out on certain angles
The missing a pilot's skin fragments were restored
Side machineguns control by TrackIR and mouse has been refactored
‘Hot start’ fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer
Search and landing lights will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer


Autopilot yaw channel and pedals keyboard control has been reverted
Taxi & landing lights will enabled when hot start on ground at night
APU exhaust fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
New items not present in latest 1.5.5 version:

Added provisional kneeboard with C-101EB checklist.
Finished rear cockpit fuel and engine panels.
Coded landing lights switches for rear cockpit.
Coded rear cockpit pitot heat korry button.
Fixed korry covers (now you need to open the cover to be able to click the korry).
Fixed batteries 50ºC temperature korry indication for rear cockpit.
TACAN X/Y channel have got click sound.
Rear cockpit emergency canopy lever coded.
Pitot heat and engine anti-ice systems will reset their state when power is lost.
TACAN control panel switches and Intercom TCN knobs are properly set up now at mission start.
Fixed animation for TACAN X/Y channel knob and indication.

Items already present in latest 1.5.5 version:

Reworked EB stall system test and indication (AOA/STALL warning light will now lit only when stall system is OFF or when the system is in test. Normal system operation, when AOA is over limit - pedals vibration and sound. RESET/OFF/TEST switch was made spring-loaded for both positions).
Implemented rear cockpit Korry buttons (ESS bus transfer, L/R battery isolate, Emergency aileron disconnect).
Added the following clickability/indication in rear cockpit: GPU korry button, fuel tanks red/green flags, fuel quantity indicator, fuel panel korry buttons, ignition light test, engine computer and engine anti-ice korry buttons.
Fixed cockpit mechanism.
Removed -1000 ft limit for altimeters.
Reworked ejection seat model and labels.
Updated autostart sequence.
Fixed and finished all cockpit texture.
Now GPU can only be connected by using radio menu, deleted its keyboard function.
Fixed problem with the front cockpit being clickable from the rear one.
Fixed cockpit specular texture.
TACAN will work in all theaters now.
TACAN panel animation and clickability updated.
Terrain masking is correctly accounted now.
TACAN ID audio can be switched on/off now via intercom in the rear cockpit.
AA TACAN is functional now.
Test function was fixed, automatic self-test function was added (starts after 3 sec timeout, when TACAN station signal is lost). Test function can be interrupted by selecting another channel, or switching mode dial to another mode.
TACAN ranging function can be turned off by pulling TACAN DME circuit breaker.

DCS M-2000 by RAZBAM

PCA Lights.
TAS radar mode selection.
PCA mode selection.
CCIP TAS accuracy.
CCRP TAS accuracy.

Bug fixes:

safety paddles remain up for AI
Intercom fuel switch broken
Texture mapping issue (cockpit)
Document handler issue (cockpit)
"Boule" Pole position cold & dark: incorrect
"Boule" bank angle issue
Rockets (PPA) - problem with PAR
V/UHF Panel Issues
Dark Canopy fix for external model
Missing kneeboard texture on pilot's body model

DCS: NEVADA Test and Training Range Map, Extension Pack Airfields
YouTube Video

Edit: Úprava změn dle oficiálního příspěvku, přidáno video.
Upravil/a Aces_Wild dne 18-11-2016 16:55
Kedyze ma byt Normandia? Spita nam tusim daju okolo 16 decembra.
Hals - und Beinbruch!
Baron napsal:

Kedyze ma byt Normandia? Spita nam tusim daju okolo 16 decembra.

Datum není oznámeno. Měla by být do konce roku.
Po aktualizaci DCS 2 mi pada pri spusteni ma nekdo podobny problem?
Má-li problém řešení nemá cenu se trápit, nemá-li řešení trápení je zbytečné.
Přejít na fórum:
HANÁCKÉ SLET 14.6.-16.6.


Nejste pilotem?
Klikněte sem
a zaregistrujte se.

Zapomněli jste heslo?
Pro zaslání nového
Klikněte sem.
Heslo: net

teamspeak server Hosting by
Pro přidání zprávy se musíte přihlásit.

31-10-2024 09:57
ČTK: Z dosud nezjištěných příčin se dnes v noci zřídilo letadlo na solární pohon.

21-10-2024 20:04
Intel vydal novou aktualizaci mikrokódu.

02-10-2024 14:07
To není dobrá myšlenka. Belzebub každého stáhne do pekel a přes zvolené zástupce i nás obyčejné lidi. Vyděšený

27-09-2024 11:19
Pokud ti co zvolím budou plnit svůj program, ať se klidně spojí i s Belzebubem.

26-09-2024 16:00
Kdokoliv bude v koalici s kýmkoliv. Jím nejde o smysl, ale o prachy a to politiky spojuje.

25-09-2024 16:44
Příští volby vyhraje ANO a bude v koalici s ODS. Ostatní strany budou v opozici.

23-09-2024 08:17
Prognostik z tebe už nebude. Úsměv

19-09-2024 19:18
Jelikož se blíží ten čas, tak bych jen skromně řekl: Nacionalisti všech zemí, vyližte si prdel! Šklebící se

13-09-2024 15:43
Kroměříž a Olomouc - Pravděpodobnost 3. povodňového stupně >90%

12-09-2024 16:09
A toto je noční můra Troubek: https://hydro.chm.

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