No normandské vesnice a města mi to nepřipomíná opravdu ani s velkým přimhouřením oka. Ne že bych cítil potřebu k tomuto být implicitně kritický (jako Magot), ale tohle je prostě hodně, hodně, hodně slabé.
I přestože je to WIP, tak nechápu důvod, proč to v téhle fázi vůbec zveřejňují. Mě to tedy spíše odrazuje, než přitahuje
Ono také se musí brát v potaz, že v pohybu to bude vypadat trochu jinak...
Na čem si opravdu dají záležet budou letiště, ale město už z principu nebude úplně věrné a krásné.
Stačí se podívat na Las Vegas v Nevadě. Z výšky a v pohybu vypadá krásně, ale když člověk přiletí blíže v helikoptéře, tak už to taková sláva není. Nicméně pořád je to mnohem lepší, než co je vidět v jiných simulátorech.
To se nám v BOS nebo BOM asi nepodaří. A i kdyby, tak bude v daleko horší kvalitě
Blbé je, že právě krajina v BoS/BoM je na zcela jiné úrovni, a sice na takové, která umožňuje v podstatě i celkem plnohodnotné pozemní operace v tancích . Takže zrovna BoS bych si za příklad nebral.
Původní Šturmovik přešel k západní frontě čtyři roky po vydání. Není důvod, aby BoS nešel časem podobnou cestou. I když je pravda, že v současnosti jsou simulátory na absolutní hranici vyhynutí.
Cassius Chaerea napsal:
Trochu mi tam u toho DSC uniká koncepce. Co tam ve skutečnosti bude za techniku z Normandie a za letadla, co létala nad Normandií
Detaily nám sdělí později, pouze ukázka v jaké kvalitě máme ty AI jednotky očekávat. Každopádně ten balík WW2 AI jednotek nebude vázán jen a pouze na mapu Normandie, ale obsah bude použitelný na všech stávajících/budoucích mapách.
Vytvořit dobově věrné akce v rámci DCS ještě dlouho nebude možné. Prostě na to nejsou prostředky.
Tvorba stroje pro DCS trvá +-2 roky, hlavně také proto, že to lidé chtějí co nejvěrnější.
Kdyby ED vydávalo WW2 stroje v kvalitě FC3 strojů, tak by to měli hotové mnohem dříve, ale kdo by to kupoval, když to samé má v jiných hrách s lepším zázemím.
Wags napsal:
To give you a feel… just the Eagle Dynamics developed and funded flight model for the Bf-109K has already cost us about 120k USD (that does not include external model, cockpit model, cockpit systems, etc.). Developing such products is not cheap!
Díky oblibě a úspěchu poslední soutěže o snímek obrazovky z NTTR je tu další soutěž o 3 klíče. Tentokrát z DCS: Combined Arms.
* jakákoliv jednotka z DCS: Combined Arms, interní i externí pohledy
* mapa: NTTR nebo Kavkaz
* délka trvání: 1-5 minut
* formát videa: FullHD (1080p)
* nahrávejte na obvyklé video portály (nejlépe YouTube)
* 1. místo: 3 klíče dle vlastního výběru
* 2. místo: 2 klíče dle vlastního výběru
* 3. místo: 1 klíč dle vlastního výběru
Soutěž začíná v pátek 1.7. 2016 a končí v pátek 8.7. 2016 15:00 GMT.
Wags napsal:
To give you a feel… just the Eagle Dynamics developed and funded flight model for the Bf-109K has already cost us about 120k USD (that does not include external model, cockpit model, cockpit systems, etc.). Developing such products is not cheap!
To je hezké a celkem očekávané číslo. Proč proboha tedy nechali Ilju, aby tenkrát rozjel jejich jménem tu kampaň na financování DCS WW2? Všem soudným lidem bylo jasné, že za ten ušmudlaný dolar, co Ilja vytřískal z kampaně, nebude ani 10% toho plánovaného díla. Kde byli páni odborníci od DCS, když se odehrávala ta šaráda? Jedna věc je Ilja a jeho nereálné sny, ale zde mám pocit, že na ten průšvih nebyl sám. Že to třeba bylo tak, že ho hoši od Eagle Dynamics hezky vyšplouchli.
Rumcajs napsal:
To je hezké a celkem očekávané číslo. Proč proboha tedy nechali Ilju, aby tenkrát rozjel jejich jménem tu kampaň na financování DCS WW2? Všem soudným lidem bylo jasné, že za ten ušmudlaný dolar, co Ilja vytřískal z kampaně, nebude ani 10% toho plánovaného díla. Kde byli páni odborníci od DCS, když se odehrávala ta šaráda? Jedna věc je Ilja a jeho nereálné sny, ale zde mám pocit, že na ten průšvih nebyl sám. Že to třeba bylo tak, že ho hoši od Eagle Dynamics hezky vyšplouchli.
Iljya s RRG Studios to prostě nezvládli, nic víc, nic míň. ED převzal zbytky a záruky, že bude v projektu pokračovat.
SiThSpAwN napsal:
What we know… just the facts.
Ok, I am writing this because so much info and answers are spread all over, as well, so much misinformation is being spread, either because people cant easily find it or cant be bothered to take the time.
At the time of the Kickstarter
RRG, led by Luthier was in sole control of management and setup of Kickstarter and Project. All creative decisions and direction were planned and executed by them
RRG stated that Kickstarter funds would be a small part of the project. Where the other funding was coming from was undisclosed.
ED was partnered with RRG, supplying manpower, game core, and knowledge to the project, they were not involved with any management decisions, including planning and execution of Kickstarter.
ED was to sell keys to RRG for distribution as rewards (Its believed that this order wasn’t completed as only a small amount of people received this reward at end of the funding period for the Kickstarter)
ED developer Yo-Yo offered his services to do quality control on all FMs produced by RRG, he was also working with RRG is some form with the Spitfire as he had a unique fondness for that aircraft, but this was still and RRG project.
This brings us to the changes.
RRG became mostly unresponsive a few months back (not just with customers), the forums were getting very frustrated, everyone was getting very frustrated, info wasn’t being communicated to the level people had come to expect. Some where between the last update from them and June 7th, it was announced that significant changes had taken place with the project, both how its developed and managed.
This was described as:
Luthier was no longer involved in the project.
Luthier was contracted to continue work on helping with some of the manuals
Since the Kickstarter funds had run out, ED had been footing the bill on development.
ED decided to attempt to carry on development, hiring a number (undetermined) of the employees from RRG
Kickstarter funds covered a small amount (“drop in the bucket”) of total funds needed to successfully complete the products
Clearing some misconceptions and false statements Q: ED is taking the assets of RRG and getting nothing but profits from this, off our money right?
A: No, ED has already assumed many costs associated with the project, the fact is all the Kickstarter money was spent before ED took over. While it is true that ED has recovered, or believed to have recovered all the assets, much work is left to be done, and a rough estimate of 10-15 percent of the project is actually completed, some of which was already funded by ED
Q: ED was funding this project all along
A: No, not at all, no one knows where RRG was going to acquire the funding to satisfy its lofty goals, ED only got heavily invested when things started to go south.
Q: ED planned this, it was their goal all along to bait and switch us and give us less, isn’t that the truth.
A: As stated above, ED had no involvement in setting up the original reward structure, in fact as they took over, they were honestly shocked at how truly confusing and lofty the set up was. Again, this was because all of this was set up by RRG
Q: ED bought out RRG and all its assets right?
A: ED didn’t buy, acquire or takeover RRG. The details of how it all transferred may never be known, but what we do know is it appeared Luthier surrendered all the assets created with the Kickstarter money, and some of the employees were hired by ED to help continue the project as not to disrupt their other projects.
Q: ED’s first restructure was bad only to make the real one look good.
A: No, not at all, It was an oversight, a simple mistake, if you look at the initial reward restructure purely by the numbers it’s a great value, but it was pointed out that a number fo backers already had the P-51D and it didn’t make sense to force them to accept that as one of their rewards. Wags admitted this was a mistake publically.
Q: Why not just offer a refund?
A: Its complicated, but the short answer is this, The money was spent before ED stepped in, ED believes people want DCS WWII. They thought the best path was to make the project workable, and continue to develop it, in turn offering a realistic compromise on the reward structure
Q: Why cant you refund the money and just make the project anyways
A: This would be an incredibly hard hit to the bank roll, it would be a big enough loss that the project would have to be scrapped. They are already expected to continue to fund the project, but adding an 150,000 hit right off the start. Well its too much.
Q: It doesn’t matter, you cant give me my original rewards 100% you are supposed to refund
A: Kickstarter requires people to be upfront and communicate with their customers ED is trying to do that, even though ED didn’t enter in to this agreement, they are trying their best to make the project a reality. If it comes down to it, and they are forced into a refund, you can count on the project being scrapped. Not even the 109 could be guaranteed at this point. This isn’t a threat, its just the way it is.
Q: I am not happy with my reward structure, why cant you give me more?
A: ED did its best to make the value the best it could, while still remaining profitable. They are still a business, and they have to protect that as well. They have been very open to reviewing and making changes so far.
Just a side note on this FAQ, I requested, to Wags, to do this for the community, I know how info can be spread about in a thread and lost in the shuffle, I feel like both sides of the argument might be missing some key points.
Ve zkratce řečeno, ED nemělo rozhodovací moc ohledně projektu, nabídlo jen zázemí.
Stejně jako fungují 3rd vývojáři. ED nabídne zázemí, nastaví laťku kvality a týmy si pak řídí náklady samy.
Kdyby si dnes Razbam udělal Kickstarter na to, že udělají celý Vietnam včetně strojů. Vybral by prachy a za rok dva řekl, že prachy došly a že od toho dávají ruce pryč, taky by to byla vina ED?
In an older game, we’d never care that an aileron slightly clips through the wing when fully deflected. We wouldn’t care that a gear strut does a physically impossible warp a few inches to the side in order to move to the down and locked position. And so with DCS, we have to go and make sure every movement is absolutely perfect, spending more time on these details than on the entire model in an older project.
Prostě zjistili, že vyrobit modul do DCS je něco jinýho než byli zvyklí. Že si nemůžou dovolit dělat obchcávky jako jinde. K tomu přidejte neochotu bavit se s komunitou, ignorovat backery a makat na povrchních věcech typu "aktualizoval jsem manuál, jásejte" a máte zaděláno na průser.
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