Netvrdím že je to konečná a pro mne 2 roky jsou zdrcující...
V pohodě, nemám s tím, jaké pocity ten text u kohokoliv vyvolává, problém. Jen mi spolu s Nevem nedochází, že je to konečná, jak si správně povšiml Baron.
"Máte právo říkat cokoli. ... Právo být na veřejnosti za hlupáka je u nás garantováno ústavou. Ale právo něco vyslovit nedělá z toho výroku pravdu. Pravda se prokazuje nebo vyvrací porovnáním s fakty. Kdo tenhle princip nerespektuje, s tím je těžká řeč. Všichni smíme takovou diskusi odmítnout. To není zbabělost ani povýšenost, to je jen rozumné hospodaření se silami a časem."
01-22-2011, Wags:
To clarify: the Nevada map will NOT be in the release version of A-10C but we do plan to release it later as a pay-for add-on map. This map will be free to those did the A-10C pre-purchase though. For those that wait for the final, release version, the Nevada map will be a separate purchase.
Hi chaps. I know it's been a little quiet on here. Sorry it isn't intentional but I am just finishing a 2 hour 30 minute documentary on the 325th Fighter Group (Part 3) and it has to be ready by Septemeber 20th. I have a ton to do, 30-days to do it and so I apologise for not being around as much as I would like to.
By way of keeping the interest going
Emotikona smile
Here are a couple of images.
First one is WiP on the Bf-108 cockpit.
Second one is WiP on the Beaufighter cockpit
Emotikona smile
Obávam sa, že buď vydajú "všetko" (teda veľký balík s novou mapou, novými strojmi atď.) alebo nevydajú nič.
A nič znamená doslova NIČ. TF 4.312 forever.
Bohužel asi nevydají nic, protože si ukousli příliš velký krajíc a k tomu, jak již tady bylo několikrát opakováno, nemají programátory. Jedna věc je vytvořit 3D modely letadýlek + skiny, textury a mapy, na což, při vší úctě, stačí trochu praxe ve 3D Studio max, Photoshopu apod., ale zapracovat to pak do samotného programu, navíc bez přístupu ke zdrojovému kódu, pouze v assembleru, na to už je třeba větší koumáky, spoustu času a trpělivosti. Protože jsem si něco podobného, ovšem v daleko menším měřítku vyzkoušel, zůstávám tomhle ohledu pesimistou. Je to ohromná škoda. Snad kdyby neměli tak dalekosáhlé plány a soustředili své úsilí jen na původně slibovaného Welouše, mohli jsme dneska už vesele bombit.
Ale rád bych se mýlil ...
Good day everyone and hopefully this wont be too small of an update to keep the faith
So, as the chap dealing with posting information about work in progress I have to look around try and find nuggets to share. Sadly (for me) most of the work involves the new map which I am not allowed to mention until it's ready to showcase (but it's moving along nicely) so I have to find images of WiP which may give hope to the legion of individuals (and teams) who are keen to see progress being made.
Now, I have only just returned from a trip to the US where for the last 3-months I have been preparing a version of Checkertails Part 3 to show at the final ever reunion of the 325th Fighter Group veterans and so have had barely any time since getting back to the here is what I have managed to get together in the last few minutes
Well, just as a note beforehand, Buzzsaw posted the last update about the 110 explaining the progress and attention to detail regarding engine modelling and FM. This attention to detail will be for all aircraft we release. I just thought I'd add that as the amount of original documents TF has access to is vast and so all details are and will be looked at including the following.
The Martlet is now in the UV unwrapping stage. This is one of the most difficult but rewarding parts of most model making as this is used to create the skin template. During this stage all areas that can be painted by the skinners are created and so working out which parts will be visible to paint is time intensive, intricate but ultimately worth every second as it allows those historically accurate skins to be possible. Th following images show the model with a false texture (, it wont be available in-game to fly!) as the areas for skinning are worked out.
Now it's not only aircraft that are being created as can be seen from the following models that are near completion
But let's be's a flight sim and we all love Flight Sims , so here is the latest work on the Beaufighter Cockpit
and, for the first time....the lovely Spitfire MKV (obviously work in progress)
So that's about the long and short of this update. Hopefully it will show that we are still plugging away to create the huge v5.0 update and we will of-course add news when and as we can
Just a very small update today for our Facebook followers. Here is a cockpit shot from the latest work in progress from the Wellington Bomber. Cheers, MP
Jen velmi malé aktualizace dnes k facebook následovníky. Tady je kokpitu z poslední probíhající práce z nim bombardér wellington. Na zdraví, MP
Automaticky přeloženo
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Má-li problém řešení nemá cenu se trápit, nemá-li řešení trápení je zbytečné.
Team Fusion
A little more detail from the Wellington WiP
Cheers, MP
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Ďakujem Pepe, už tomu moc netreba, pár dní na dokončenie modelu a potom 2-3 týždne na bake hipoly modelu na low poly, takže bude hádam čas aj na lietanie
Ahoj Rumcajs,
k tomuto sa neviem vyjadriť, keďže to nezáleží na mne. Určite sa oplatí počkať. Zatiaľ je toho na trhu k lietaniu celkom dosť, takže dúfam že komunite ten čas ubehne rýchlo.
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